Unpicking Problems, Making Waves, Being Hands On
Donna Spencer is a talented designer, author, conference organizer & speaker based in Australia whom I had the pleasure of meeting first in 2013 at Midwest UX. She is incredibly gracious and smart as a whip, so I was thrilled she agreed to join me to chat about her experience navigating the world of design, tech and training.
Themes that surfaced again and again were FREEDOM and FLEXIBILITY. Remote vs onsite… 9-5 calendar days vs. choosing your own hours…and the idea that these days, high performance folks don’t want to prove their worth by ‘showing time in a seat’… rather, we want to do so by ‘delivering value’ in whatever form that takes.
We dive into the challenges of looking for good gigs in this weird time in history, take a look at the admittedly first world problem of ‘being a bit too famous in an industry’, and how hybrid approaches to gainful employment can work.
Transitions from one phase of your working life into another is something I’ve always been fascinated with, and it was a joy to learn about what’s around the corner for Donna, who is actively building the tracks as she steams toward her dream.
Show Notes
Where to find her
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Presenting Design Work
Facilitating Design Thinking Workshops